Quality rate

Quality rate

Call Evaluation is a platform setting and an API resource that allows callers to rate the overall conversation or a specific queue agent.

In this article, the used and recommended practices for call evaluation are described. The platform setup is done in the queue and/or IVR settings, and the resource for obtaining evaluation results is described here: article.


The call evaluation, which was made via a callback, can be performed using queue mechanisms or IVR.

For obtaining the evaluation, the resource get /client/{client_id}/quality_rate/ is requested with a date filter. This resource returns data like:

{ "max_rate": 9, "datetime": "2019-08-07 12:21:10", "rate": 5, "extension_id": 27874, "client_id": 801, "call_uuid": "BF4643A0B90D11E98DA84B40F3DF0459", "id": 147 }


extension_id can be either the queue id or the IVR id, depending on where the evaluation rule is configured.

For call detail, use the resource call_history get /client/{client_id}/call_history/{call_uuid} (for example, the call_uuid obtained previously in the quality rate response, "call_uuid": "BF4643A0B90D11E98DA84B40F3DF0459").

Call Evaluation in Queue

If the queue agent hangs up first, the caller can be asked to rate the queue agent. This is set up with the corresponding queue parameters:


can be either 'transfer' or 'quality_rate':


allows you to configure queue parameters:





allows the call to be transferred to a number specified in agent_hangup_transfer_dst

The call can be transferred, for example, to an IVR, where a quality_rate rule can also be made in combination with other IVR rules (for example, in combination with the “call interactive” action or callerID filters). The transfer of the call to the IVR is discussed below, in “Call Evaluation Made Through Callback”.

Description of parameters and possible values of quality_rate in the queue can be viewed in the resource description for the queue: article.

If the call went through the queue and in the voice message before the actual evaluation, it was requested to rate the agent, then by bridged username, it can be considered that the rating was set to the queue agent; in other cases, it is a rating of the entire call, not a specific bridged username. Other variants are also possible.


Call Evaluation Made Through Callback

When making a callback, you can specify the number where the call will be transferred at the end of the conversation by one of the parties.

Parameters callback transfer_after_src_hangup and transfer_after_dst_hangup respectively.

Through the internal number/DID, the call can be transferred to the IVR.

In the IVR, the routing of incoming calls is done by DID. If all rules are checked and there is no DID match condition, you can use the scheme by the internal IVR number, for example, 099 (for internal calls).

The IVR rule for evaluating call quality - action: quality_rate.

If there should be several schemes, it is necessary to request one or several "internal number for IVR - local DID" from the system administrator.

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