Conversation Rating (/quality rate/)
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Some of the resources described on the page may not be available by default due to the type of application (see Creating and authorizing applications).
A conversation rating allows the caller to rate the entire conversation or the specific queue agent.
You can configure the conversation rating in the queue and voice menu (IVR) settings.
Description of Data Structures
Name | Type | Description |
call_uuid | string | Unique identifier of the call |
client_id | long | Identifier of the client |
datetime | string | Rating date |
extension_id | long | Identifier of the extension number |
id | long | Unique identifier of the rating |
max_rate | long | Highest possible rating |
rate | long | Conversation rating |
Rating of Conversation in Queue
If the queue agent hangs up first, the caller may be asked to rate the queue agent. It is configured by the corresponding queue options:
agent_hangup_action — may be quality_rate (allows you to configure the queue parameters) or transfer (allows you to forward the call to the number specified in agent_hangup_transfer_dst);
To find the option description and possible values of quality_rate in the queue, you can see description of the resource "Queue (/queue/)".
If the call passed through the queue and the voice message asked to rate the agent before the direct assessment, then, by the bridged username, it may be considered that the rating is set to the queue agent; in other cases, it is the rating of the entire call, not of the specific bridged username. Other options are possible too.
Rating of Conversation that was Completed through Call initiation (Callback)
When initiating a call (callback), you can specify the number where the call will be transferred when one of the participants ends the conversation.
The callback options are transfer_after_src_hangup and transfer_after_dst_hangup, respectively. Using an extension or external number (DID), you can transfer the call to the IVR.
Rating of Conversation in Voice Menu (IVR)
You can transfer the call to IVR, where you can also create the quality_rate rule in combination with other IVR rules (for example, in combination with the "call interactive" action or with filters by callerID). In IVR, the incoming calls are routed by DID. If all the rules are checked and there are no DID matches, you can use the scheme by the extension IVR number, for example, 099 (for internal calls).
The IVR rule to rate the conversation quality is action: quality_rate.
If you need to use several schemes, you should ask the system administrator for one or more combinations "extension number for IVR - local DID".
To find the option description and possible values of quality_rate in the voice menu, you can see description of the resource "Voice Menu (/ivr/)".
Getting Conversation Rating
To get of the conversation rating over a period of time, you can use the resource GET /client/{client_id}/quality_rate/ with a filter by date:
System response:
"max_rate": 9,
"datetime": "2019-08-07 12:21:10",
"rate": 5,
"extension_id": 27874,
"client_id": 801,
"call_uuid": "BF4643A0B90D11E98DA84B40F3DF0459",
"id": 147
The extension_id can be either a queue id or a voice menu (ivr) id depending on where the rating rule is configured.
If you need call detailing, you can use the resource "Call History (/call_history/, /calls/)":
GET /client/{client_id}/call_history/{call_uuid}
call_uuid was received earlier, in the system response to get the conversation quality_rate:"call_uuid": "BF4643A0B90D11E98DA84B40F3DF0459"