VPBX Settings

VPBX Settings

At the bottom of the "Settings" section there are additional VPBX settings.

General settings

In the "General" section you must set the time zone that is used in your region.

The time zone specified in this section affects the rules set in the “Routing” section and the display of calls in the “Log” section.


To configure the voice mail use the "Voicemail" section.

In this section, you can specify a voicemail file that will be played before the recording starts. The file can be selected from the provided standard voice greetings, or you can upload your own by clicking "Download melody" button. Then specify the email to which the left voice messages will be sent. After completing the settings, click "Save".


The settings in this section are made in the event that you have purchased the "Virtual Fax" service under the contract. If not, the service must be activated by contacting your manager (you should have spesion fax extension). Specify the email to which faxes will be sent to the extension number, allocated for receiving faxes. From the main page click “Settings“


And there you can see how to set Fax Setting (email for receivinf), and the reference for send faxes



Black and white list

The "Black List" function is used to block incoming calls from a specific number. To do this, click the "Add phone number" button and in the window that appears, write the number that you want to block. When activating this function, keep in mind that the number must be registered in the format in which it is sent to the VPBX. The format of the number can be found in the "Journal" section (see below).

For example, add the number 8412655696 in the same format to the "Black List".

….add the screenshot…

The "White List" function is used to set up a personal scenario for handling a call from a specific number. To do this, enter the caller's number in the format in which it arrives at the VPBX (the format can be viewed in the "Log" section, see the screenshot above), then select the direction for this call. This can be a specific extension number or a general queue, and then click the “Add” button. The rules specified in this section are not subject to the settings of the general routing scheme.

Configuring alerts

To configure the notification of missed calls/empty space, check the corresponding box. In the e-mail entry window after the required address is specified, click the "+" located on the right. To configure multiple addresses repeat the step. The percentage of an occupied space can be adjusted at your discretion, the optimal parameter is 80 percent.

Outgoing call rules

The section is used to block outgoing calls of the long-distance and international directions. This feature is disabled by default. To activate it click the "Enable" button.

….add the screenshot…

When the function is enabled, the ban applies to all international directions (both through "+" and through 810), including Kazakhstan (through +77 and 87), as well as to all numbers of the Russian Federation (through +7 and 8) and for all extension numbers. To set up exceptions, select the direction you want to open and select a specific extension number, or set it for all VPBX extensions.

To apply the rule to an extension number, check the appropriate box.

….add the screenshot…

During the VPBX activation, if you specified the rules for processing outgoing calls to the manager, you can see the notification below. In this case, changes to the rules are resolved by contacting the manager.

Extension number group

The extension numbers can be assigned to separate groups. Please note that the interception function will only work within the created group. To assign extension numbers to groups, select the icon next to the extension number.

In the window that appears, enter the name of the group and click "+". For convenience, you can assign a color to each group by clicking on the color palette, after clicking the "Save" button.


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