Client Creation

Client Creation

Let's create a client with a personal account and the ability to make calls between their extensions. In the panel on the left, go to the clients tab https://admin.view.ucom4b.com/clients/ and click “Create New“

We set some parameters, the rest are default. It is important to select the “Initialize web interface“ option (enabled by default): its selection initializes the client web interface, without its selection it may not work correctly. Click "Create":

After that, we will be redirected to the page of the created client. Selecting the “Initialize web interface“ option in it has already created an IVR 099 - as an incoming call routing point for the client web interface and a reference to this interface: “Interface: Client Interface“. By clicking on this link, you can login into the client's personal account on his behalf, but using the login/password of the platform administrator. In general, all PBX settings available to the client in the future should be carried out in his personal account, due to settings made in the administrative interface may not be displayed correctly in the client interface.

In order for the client to be able to record conversations, it is necessary to set a disk quota (for example, 100MB) in the “Limits” section:

By clicking on “Interface: Client Interface“ and entering the login / password of the platform administrator, we get to the user’s personal account, there we select “Settings“:

Now the client has no employees / queues, to add, select “show all“

and “Create employee”: fill in the employee’s data, click “Add“

A new employee has created. A red circle means it's offline:

By configuring SIP equipment for the following parameters:
SIP login: 000*100
SIP password: specified when creating an employee
SIP server: sip2.view.ucom4b.com (client domain)
and by analogy, creating an employee with the number 101, we get:

Now these employees are online and can make calls to each other using short numbers 100 and 101

You can learn more about working with the client interface here.

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