Queus and Agents
Client(some organization) can have extensions with type='phone'. These extensions are:
Some device (phone/softphone etc) that can receive incoming call and do outgoing calls (SIP account in other words)
(optional) Employee who assigned to this extension
For example there are 3 extension: 101,102,103 have SIP account and assigned employee, 104 is just a SIP account:
Also client can have different queues (callcenters). For example here are 2 queues:
If employee wants to be a part of callcenter it should create an “agent“. Every employee (extension) may have few agents. All this agents introduce specific employee. For example here we have created 3 agents for Talal employee:
and one for Hamid and Dmitri
BMW Queue should contain Talal and Hamid
Audi Queue should contain Talal and Dmitri
Talal wants to have different agents for different queues (for getting separate agent reports in future)
Then queues configuration will be like this
In the morning Talal pick up the phone/softphone with 101 SIP account and dial
*96 and “Talal for BMW Queue” and “Talal for Audi Queue“ will start to receive calls from BMW and Audi queues
*96200 and only “Talal for BMW Queue” will receive calls from BMW queue
*96201 and only “Talal for Audi Queue” will receive calls from Audi queue
Hamid may dial *96 or *96200 and Dmitry may dial *96 or *96201
In the evening (or for break time) Talal dial *98 to logout all his agents or *96xxx to logout from specific queue
No any web interface manipulation is required in the evening and in the morning.
Agent reports will be done for agents, so for Talal there will be report for “Talal for BMW Queue” and “Talal for Audi Queue“ agent. Off course Talal may use one agent (“Talal” agent) for both queues and then get one agent report for both queues.
That is what we have now. Things we are going to add for separating agents from extensions
Assume it is required 2 employees every day in the office. So at the same day it will be Talal and Hamid or Talal and Dmitri or Dmitri and Hamid.
Currently it is necessary to have 3 work places with different SIP devices or 2 workplaces with multi-extension devices (3 different lines). Now we want to separate employee from SIP account. For example, the first work place will have 101 SIP device, the second 104 SIP device. In this case
Talal and Hamid day:
Talal may use 101 without any extra actions; Hamid picks up the phone 104 and dial some secure code: now 104 acts as 102 or
Talal picks up the phone 104 and dial some secure code: now 104 acts as 101; Hamid picks up the phone 101 and dial some secure code: now 101 acts as 102
Hamid and Dmitri day:
Hamid picks up the phone 104 and dial some secure code: now 104 acts as 102; Dimitry picks up the phone 101 and dial some secure code: now 101 acts as 103 or
Hamid picks up the phone 101 and dial some secure code: now 101 acts as 102; Dimitry picks up the phone 104 and dial some secure code: now 104 acts as 103
Extension 104 in this example is redundant: just for demonstration SIP account and employee difference. It is possible to have 3 extensions (employees) 101,102,103 and only 2 real SIP devices (for example 101 and 102)