Transfer reason in abbreviature.
'tr' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type transfer
'cs' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type cascade
'sc' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type simple_cascade
'st'= Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type simple_transfer
‘bl_xfer' = blind transfer (#1 or blind refer)
’at' = attended transfer (*2)
'rf' = attended refer
'cil' = local participant conference invite
'cie' = external participant conference invite
'awh' - whisper, connected via api
'aed' - evasedrop, connected via api
'wh' - whisper
'ed' - evasedrop
'ic' - intercepted call
'dn' - dialed number in ivr
‘tfv’ - transfer from variable (ivr rule)
Incoming call in queue:
queue’s strategy:
'top-down': 'td',
'ring-all': 'ra',
'longest-idle-agent': 'la',
'round-robin': 'rr',
'agent-with-least-talk-time': 'lt',
'agent-with-fewest-calls': 'fc',
'sequentially-by-agent-order': 'ao',
'random': 'rd'
agents statuses:
'r' =ready to accept call
'i' = now in call state from this queue
'b' = busy in call outside is queue
'c' = this queue is calling to agent
'u' = extension of this agent in unregistered status
'd' = queue is delaying calls for this agent
'w' = wrap-up time
'l' = agent logged out
caller members statuses:
m = members not in call (waitng in queue)
s = member in call (member is talking with an agent)
Sign of transfer to outside (not a local call)
‘rn;’ is a sign of calling an external number
‘al;’ is an “alias” call
‘ra;<remote_agent_name>’ is the external agent and its name