
Bundle info Bundle - Multiple Extension Numbers for One Employee .

The values ​​of the three parameters are indicated with “;”
For example "3;002;j6t3", where for incoming calls:

3 - id of the main extension
002 - name of the main extension
j6t3 - call id (within one call, the list of additional ones can be called several times)

For outgoing calls, calls shown like they going from the main extension. Therefore, in the parameter:
3 - id of the extension that actually made the call
002 is the name of the extension that actually made the call
j6t3 - call id

Transfer reason

Transfer reason in abbreviature.

'tr' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type transfer

'cs' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type cascade

'sc' = Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type simple_cascade

'st'= Incoming Call Rules (/incom_rule/) type simple_transfer

‘bl_xfer' = blind transfer (#1 or blind refer)

’at' = attended transfer (*2)
'rf' = attended refer

'cil' = local participant conference invite

'cie' = external participant conference invite

'awh' - whisper, connected via api

'aed' - evasedrop, connected via api

'wh' - whisper

'ed' - evasedrop

'ic' - intercepted call

'dn' - dialed number in ivr

‘tfv’ - transfer from variable (ivr rule)

Incoming call in queue:

'top-down': 'td',
'ring-all': 'ra',
'longest-idle-agent': 'la',
'round-robin': 'rr',
'agent-with-least-talk-time': 'lt',
'agent-with-fewest-calls': 'fc',
'sequentially-by-agent-order': 'ao',
'random': 'rd'

'r' =ready to accept call

'i' = now in call state from this queue

'b' = busy in call outside is queue

'c' = this queue is calling to agent

'u' = extension of this agent in unregistered status

'd' = queue is delaying calls for this agent

'w' = wrap-up time

'l' = agent logged out

m = members not in call (waitng in queue)
s = member in call (member is talking with an agent)

Sign of remote transfer

Sign of transfer to outside (not a local call)

‘rn;’ is a sign of calling an external number

‘al;’ is an “alias” call

‘ra;<remote_agent_name>’ is the external agent and its name