Some device (phone/softphone etc) that can receive incoming call and do outgoing calls (SIP account in other words)
(optional) Employee who assigned to this extension
For example here is there are 3 extension: 101,102,103 have SIP account and assigned employee, 104 is just a SIP account:
Also client can have different queues (callcenters). For example here is are 2 queues:
If employee wants to be a part of callcenter it should create an “agent“. Every employee (extension) may have few agents. All this agents introduce specific employee. For example here we have created 3 agent agents for Talal employee:
and one for Hamid and Dmitri
*96 and “Talal for BMW Queue” and “Talal for Audi Queue“ will start to receive calls from BMW and Audi queuequeues
*96200 and only “Talal for BMW Queue” will receive calls from BMW queue
*96201 and only “Talal for Audi Queue” will receive calls from Audi queue