Voice Mail (/voicemail/)
You can test API methods on the interactive API browser page and without writing code
Some of the resources described on the page may not be available by default due to the type of application (see Creating and authorizing applications).
If the call forwarding rule is finished, but the call has not been answered, it is possible to redirect the call to the voice mail. The voice mail resource allows you to:
Get a list of client voicemail messages, extension number or group of extension numbers for a certain period,
Get message files directly,
Delete voice mail messages.
Description of Data Structures
Retrieving Voice Message List
The interval to get and to delete a list of voice mail messages is specified by the request options start_datetime and end_datetime. The time interval should be within two months. To obtain data for a longer period, you should make several requests. When getting the list, you can specify the request parameter order that specifies the direction to sort the resulting list by the field init_time_gmt.
Request options
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
start_datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | yes |
end_datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | yes |
order | asc or desc | no | desc |
Let's get a list of the client voice messages for a period:
System response: